Some of you fortunate people have seen photos of me in some hiking gear...some photos have been calm and others have been downright frightening!
One year ago, my dear sister and friend Ali, made a very personal decision to memorialize my brother in his beloved home state of WA. He climbed Mt. Adams three times in his short life on earth and one of those climbs was with his wife Ali, during the week of our wedding. That was twelve years ago next week.
So...with all 587 items collected for Michael and I in tow and seven other devoted friends and family, we are attempting to climb Mt. Adams next week.
I have heard dozens of tips and listened to hours of advice on what will get me up there. I have no doubt that it will also be because of the fierce prayer warriors I have who will be lifting me up.
I have been told I could do it in a day without bringing any food. I have been told I will need two pages of typed items. I have been told I really don't need to exercise. I have been told that if I am working out six days a week and running marathons, I may still not be able to do this. I have been told I am over thinking it. I have been told I am not doing enough. I have been told to prepare for blizzards, rain, below freezing temperatures, just an easy and nice day hike, hiking at 4 a.m. with a headlamp, altitude sickness, becoming lunch for a cougar, a 2000 foot man made slide on the way down, and not being able to move for several days. I have been told people do it all the time and never train. I have been told people in their sixties do it in their tennis shoes. I have bought a Freshette...explanation not included... I have rearranged schedules to run errands to get said items. I now have stock in REI. I have become friends with half the staff there. We have spent a small fortune. We now have a Y membership with a few hours of exercise in there. I have hired sitters so I can climb with Ransom on my back at two of our local parks. One of those hikes included being one inch from a Copperhead with my family. I have a mound of accumulating gear in my bedroom that is finally complete and ready to be packed. We have decided we HAVE to become a hiking family at this point. Besides, I have TOTALLY surprised myself by actually loving it! :) We can now tack hiking on to our beloved family camping trips.
I have mixed emotions. I have no doubt my brother would be thrilled at what we are doing. I have no doubt he would believe I could do it. I have been flooded with memories of him and the acute awareness of how much I still miss him. I have been scared out of my mind. The will has been prepared. I have been excited. I still am. I am looking forward to a different view of my cherished and beloved hometown mountain. The painting of it, above my fireplace will take on a whole new meaning. One of my dear friends Devon, who painted Mt. Adams for me, will be coming with her husband from Nashville to join us on the climb. How cool is that?
I shouldn't be writing right now...the "To Do" list is a mile long, but I couldn't resist filling you in. This isn't a post about how awesome we are or how amazing we plan to be. It's just a big deal to me right now. There is a ton of anticipation. A big "Thank You" must go out to Ali for the idea and the planning and the desire to lead us up there with the help of Michael's brother Shawn. A big thank you must go out to my forever friends who are flying out simply to be present at my parents house for support. And a big thank you must be said to those dear friends who are joining us to offer support in case we fall apart and cry the whole way up. I plan to jump on their backs if this should happen.
Please pray for us if you think of it next week. I will try to find a moment to let you know how it went!!
Much love,