Can you picture me doing a happy dance while rubbing my hands together with glee? Really? You can? Man, you must REALLY know me. Anyway, this is how I feel when starting to write this blog. I have had many mixed emotions since flying home, but there is definite glee within my spirit. I still CANNOT believe that I made it! I guess I gave the punchline away...but we did in fact summit Mt. Adams in my beloved home state of WA!!!! It was an incredible experience, and there was no doubt that God was all over the climb. Thank you for your prayers; they really did work and were felt.
But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me back up and also include that my family, friends and I worked for an entire year on a BIG SURPRISE bash for my Mom. We threw it to honor her...we missed her 60th birthday and her we felt it was time. She had never had a party thrown in her honor so it was a real thrill to knock her socks off that night. We told her we were all flying in the next day for the climb but actually lied to her all year. I know. I'm amazing. This is me after being up for 24 hours straight, flying across the country and shocking my Mom. This is my childhood bestie, Samantha, and I doing what we could to hydrate for our upcoming climb in 48 hours. :) Let me interject here that she gets the "Amazing Friend" award for A) putting up with me and my antics for 28 years and B) supporting me on such a personal and special event. You rock girl.
Then we had the privilege of enjoying a down day/climb prep day with forever friends and family who flew out just to support our memorial climb for my cherished brother. They knew and understood the significance of the event and did what they could in many ways to enjoy the week with us. We love them so much!
Our "Packing Party"...
And here is the cast of some cases...literally. :) OK, maybe just mine.
MISSION: To summit Mt. Adams, in one piece, to spread the ashes of my beloved brother Michael Lloyd Bushnell.
From far left: Randy Wells a.k.a "The Most Loving and Wonderful Surrogate Big Brother to Walk the Face of the Earth". He has been my dear friend since age 14, along with his incredible wife Sandy. He said he had never wanted to climb but that he wasn't doing it for him...he was doing it for us. How many of us can say they receive that kind of love from someone? He is a gift to us.
Ben Dixon a.k.a "The Workout King and Friend Who is Up for Any Adventure". We became friends six years ago and he was rockin' awesome to spend his vacation time and money to support us and experience something so great. Thanks for looking out for me up the mountain, brother.
Devon Dixon a.k.a. "Female Jesus". I know you use this name for another person Dev, but I appoint it to you. You were so thoughtful, doing quiet and loving gestures at every turn. You took seriously your role to help in any way you could and lighten our load. You literally did just that when my pack became so uncomfortable. You were a godsend and a fab photographer! You had even painted this incredible mountain for me and then chose to step all the way to the top of it to support our mission.
Sam Schumacher a.k.a. "Longest Running Friendship of my Life". You touched my heart when you wanted to join us, and you rocked it. I couldn't express what it meant to spend time with you again like that. Thank you so much for your love and support and laughs. Now would be a good time to also mention that I have peed my pants handfuls of my adult life...with this woman. Thanks for going so far back in my memory bank.
Next we have Biscuit a.k.a. "The Fat Roll on my Belly" She has been a part of my life for four years now and she continues to grow. She is a part of me, and though I despise her most often, I can't give her up or what comes with her. We have a love-hate relationship...
Michael Delk a.k.a "Absolute Smokin' Hot Stud Muffin Who is the Love of my Life". He needed this as much as I did, and I am so glad we could experience this together, supporting one another. I was distracted the entire climb by his hotness. I am serious. I couldn't stand it. I love you babe. I would write more but this is already a book, and you would all be puking anyways...
Alison Rau a.k.a. "My Sister-in-Law and Forever Friend". Without your idea and planning and desire, this climb wouldn't have existed. Thank you for bringing us all along on such a personal and emotional journey for you. I love you forever and am still constantly in awe of your strength, beauty, resilience and grace. Thank you for being such an incredible and loving wife to my beloved brother. Shawn was right, you were his North Star...
Shawn Bushnell a.k.a. "Brother From Another Who is Freakin' Superman". Whether you wanted to or not, you became our guide. Thank you for being in such great shape that you could take care of us, lead us, guide us, and teach us. You extended such patience and laughter. Thank you for memorializing your brother in this way with us. It was almost like having him with us up two have so much in common about your personalities. We benefited from being with you.
The view of Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens from my parents' doorstep...I know. It's amazing. Takes my breath away. I miss "MY" mountains. Yes, I take ownership of them whether that is fair or not.
The most supportive and understanding husband in the world to one Alison Rau. And my cute nephew Maddux. You are such an important addition to our family. We love you so much.
Bittersweet goodbye from parents who will wait expectantly until our return...always supportive.
Emotions are already tough...
Michael literally stopped a four car caravan of cars in the middle of a highway to get a picture of this Red-Tail Hawk on our drive to the mountain...for those of you who know our loss, we don't think this was coincidence that he was sitting there for us...
Stopping to reenact our wedding...12 years ago this month in Trout Lake, WA. The only thing I would do differently this time at our wedding is run toward him.
We huddled up for a prayer and a team cheer of "Michael Lloyd!"...some tears...and we were off.
"Lunch Counter" our spot to camp for a few hours. These are the man-made rock walls to cut down on the crazy wind while you sleep on lava rocks. Our weather was perfect the WHOLE time though. It never got colder than 45 degrees that night either.
This device is called a "Freshette". It helps a woman pee standing up like a man. You're welcome people.
Mt. St. Helens from Lunch know, that big mountain that blew up in 1980 when I was just a wee little one knee-high to a grasshopper.
Is anyone still with me anyway? Anyone? Surely the only person left at this point reading is me, right?
Moving on...these next photos are of the "False Summit" in the wee hours of the second day. It was intense but awesome.
We MADE it to the False Summit!!
While I was packing for the trip, our dear friend Stephen encouraged me to think of a scripture. And anytime I felt like I couldn't go any further, I was to repeat the scripture over and over. He told me I would come back changed. I don't have many scriptures memorized but what popped in my head was Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me". I literally used it as a mantra up the mountain as well as continuous prayers, worship music on my Ipod and hearing a little whispered voice of my brother telling me I could do it. Each of these things empowered me to keep going. He was right, I am forever changed by this. God literally surrounded me on all sides and helped me get up there. At the summit, there were three birds circling. We hadn't seen birds until then. I like the significance of the three birds being there with us...
Almost there....this is where I hit a wall, and Ben and Devon had to coax me up the rest of the way while I tried to breathe...thank God for friendship!
Kelly Huddleston, this picture is for you. This is me crying my eyes out from exhaustion. Only about 30 yards to go or so...
My brother's ice ax that Ali carried up the mountain. My brother climbed this mountain three times, his last time with her. She was a machine. So proud of you Ali!
Michael is using my brothers pack, and that airport tag flapping in the wind is still left on the pack from when my brother flew out to climb. It has his name on it.
And now headed back down and back to happier thoughts...
Yes, these are the glissading trails made by previous climbers. You literally slide down about 2500 feet of the mountain on your bohunkus. I was spazzing out and ran into Ali numerous times. That whole "Self Arresting" thing just wasn't working for me. At some point, I finally surrendered to it and started having a blast and going fast. Dev, this picture of you will always make me laugh, and I am so glad that in spite of hating that part, you were still a good sport! :)
This is taken right after I laughed at Shawn for biffing it...oops! :)
Back to lunch counter to gather our tents and gear and head on down. We were practically jogging down...
This is me with my bloodied knuckles from the ice ax and my terrible glissading/stopping skills. I am also doing my best "Fire Marshall Bill" impression here.
And the climb wouldn't be complete without loved ones meeting us at the bottom of the mountain for a cheeseburger and one famous Huckleberry shake in the Trout Lake cafe.
This experience was amazing. I never expected to feel so blindsided by the emotions and grief it evoked after coming home, but I am forever grateful for every minute of it. Every bit of sweat, blood and tears were worth it, and I can't help but know that my brother would be smiling down on us and so proud of us all! I am thankful a part of him is at the top of his beloved mountain. Thanks again for your prayers and love and support and for reading this sentence. Are you SERIOUS? You are still here?! You are amazing.
And would you believe I am already ready to do it again next year? Yep. I think I'm hooked now...