Saturday, January 21, 2012

Strep Throat, Spaghetti Sauce, A Family Tree and Some Poop...

So, my day was filled with some...shall we say...unique things.  My dear friend Devon arrived early to begin painting an incredible oak tree on my wall.  I found an amazing idea on Pinterest that involves framing and hanging your family tree on the branches of a tree.  Pictures to follow...:) Super excited!

BUT, my other dear friends dropped in for a minute...exclaimed about how gorgeous the tree was and we began a fun conversation.  And what do you think went through my children's heads?  Yep, you guessed it.  "Rock on! Mom is distracted! Let's go crazy. She won't notice until it's too late!". 

So, I had just finished some spaghetti and was about to dish up when my friends arrived. So, I am oblivious to what happened next. Gentry had one of those big bouncy balls, about the size of a baseball...and he chucked it across my kitchen and it bounced right into my big pan of spaghetti sauce.  THEN, he thought it would be beneficial to fish the ball out with the spatula.  With his first attempt, he missed the ball in the pot and flung a massive glob of spaghetti sauce all over my tile backsplash.  Oh what FUN that must have been...because he proceeded to do that several more times. That is, until Dad found him and pointed it out to me.  Wow, all I could do is laugh, the mess was so massive and my kitchen was so red.  Needless to say, he got to clean up every last bit of it and though the whiny hour battle of getting him to complete it to my standards wasn't my favorite moment of the day...I am thankful to have taught him the lesson of consequences.  I sure wasn't tackling that mess, I'll tell you that!  Now, to see if he learned anything....I will let you know I am sure...

Oh, and I bet you think that's all....I wish.  Did I mention my sweet daughter was battling strep throat all day?  Sweet thing was in need of some TLC so I was moving in several different directions all have been there I am sure.

During one of those moments, we're talking about 15 minutes here people...I sent Easton and Ransom up to their room to play.  I remember commenting to Devon that the boys were awfully quiet...never a good sign.  Turns out Easton had closed Ransom in the bathroom with him while he pooped.  That right there wasn't the most thoughtful act if you ask me....sometimes it stinks to be the little brother.  Buwahahah! I CRACK myself up.  Buwhahhahah! (Obviously I need to go to bed.)

Anyway, somehow Ransom got the bright idea to reach around his brother and fish out some poop from the toilet.  Did this said brother think it was a good idea to stop him?  Nope.  I have no way of knowing whether or not he encouraged him...but let's just say I'm not ruling it out.  So, after following the sounds of giggles I opened the bathroom door to find Ransom coated in brown dots smearing said poop onto my bathroom cabinets.  Really?!  Really?!

I read in "Wild Things" that I should get used to asking "What were you thinking?!" when raising boys...but REALLY?!

All I can say is pray for me...and while you're at it, you might want to say a prayer for THEM as well.
Best part of the day AMAZING least now I'll have photos proving where they have gotten all their craziness from...;)



Tyanne said...

Yikes!!!! What a day! LOL. Both of my kids have gone through the "painting the bathroom with Poop" stage. It's so GROSS!!! Hopefully they will not do that again.

Brent High said...

Boys will be boys....bad boys, bad boys.... ;)